Wrist band voice recorder

I recently purchased this wearable recording device for a series of in-home interviews I’m conducting. It can be awkward for participants when you place a traditional recording device on a table – it reminds them that they’re being recorded and could impede their willingness to speak honestly. 

I’ve been thoroughly pleased with the quality of recordings this little device has yielded. The homes I’ve been going into have ranged from small, intimate environments (i.e., kitchen table in a studio apartment) to more sprawling settings (i.e.,  large, high ceilinged living room) to numerous sound distractions (i.e.,  screaming kids hurling through the room.)

In all cases, the on wrist device has captured my interactions with sufficient fidelity to enable transcription of the interviews. It’s seamless, unobtrusive, and for $35, you can’t beat the value. With 8GB of space, it will record 20 hours after a single charge.