What I've been reading this week

Although I’m not a gamer, my son is, so I try and keep track of new games, mostly to ensure that they’re appropriate for him. (Most are not…) This week a game called Fallout 4 came across my radar. This popular post-apocalyptic game series next ‘adventure’ takes place in Boston. In the trailer, there are a number of local landmarks: Fenway Park, the USS Constitution, Bunker Hill, the State House. I love representations of my hometown in movies and books. I wonder what the experience of this game will actually be like. 


I floss first and then brush. What about you? I had a friend who spent some time telling me I was doing it wrong – that flossing after brushing helps ‘push’ the fluoride down into your gums. Seems like there is no proven ‘right’ way to do it, but there are benefits to flossing, especially to gum health. 

Oh how I wish this were true.