What I've been reading this week - April 8th

Ethnographic research is hard. Maybe the hardest of all approaches that I’m asked about. It requires active listening and deep consideration and exploration, both of what’s been said and what's not been said, what’s been seen and what’s been experienced. I often pivot my clients away from the word ethnography because what they really want is some ‘quick and dirty’ in home qualitative. This isn’t ethnography. I came across an article this week in QRCA When Ethnography Becomes A Joke, and I highly recommend taking a read through. It highlights many of challenges associated with ethnographic research, and also touches on the deep analysis required to do it correctly.

I sometime worry about the amount of coffee I drink (2 cups a day, on average) but I have friends who drink so much more I figured my 2 cups keep me going and don’t cause any real issues. I found this article on caffeine interesting, both in understanding how much a cup of coffee contains, and in understanding the potential health risks of overindulgence.

Did you know er is on Hulu? Oh how I’ve missed Mark and Elizabeth and Abby and Carter…