What I've been reading this week - April 10, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is still hitting us hard here in Boston, but most people are doing their part to flatten the curve. Here’s a few things I’ve been reading this week to lighten the mood:

  • Vulture asked various television writers to imagine how their characters would deal with COVID-19. My favorite was 30 Rock’s episode (written by Tina Fey and Sam Means) where Liz refuses a trip to GE’s secret island. Also loved how Leslie Knope would already have a binder for that.

  • Are you making bread yet? We are. Here’s a nice recipe for sandwich bread, and my standby for weeknight dinners (I proof in my InstantPot, saving hours!)

  • Rev.com has a public transcript archive where they’ve been collecting COVID-19 briefings from around the world.

  • I really enjoyed this article highlighting how COVID-19 is making changes to the world around us. Have you noticed? Fewer rumblings from trains and cars, less air pollution, quieter city streets.

Stay safe.